Approval for admission to the Graduate School is required of all graduate students.
Graduate School admission does not imply admission to candidacy for an advanced degree. Candidacy will be granted only after a period of successful graduate work and when compliance with the conditions and course of study established by the University and its departments, schools, and colleges have been met.
The total enrollment of graduate students is limited. All applications to the Graduate School are subject to whatever provisions may limit the enrollment of graduate students. Admission is granted for not more than one academic year. Students who have not attended the University for four or more terms, including the term of admission, must reapply. Graduate students who have been enrolled may stop out for a maximum of two years, including the last semester of enrollment. If another institution is attended during the two-year timeframe, the student must reapply.
Graduate students are subject to the general rules and regulations of the University and are expected to maintain the high standard of social and academic life of the University as well as the professional standards of their chosen field of study. Thus, graduate students are subject to all rules and regulations set forth in the Student Handbook, the Graduate Catalog, and the policy statements of the Graduate School and the academic components. All graduate students of Texas Woman’s University are expected to know and adhere to high standards of personal conduct and of academic integrity, and scholarship. Any falsification, misrepresentation, or misapplication of information or research; any violation of professional or ethical standards; or any violation of the rules and regulations of the University may result in dismissal.